Car-brains now actually blowing things up in suburban England, with the tacit support of Tory MPs.

  • What is an ULEZ camera?
    Without details, it seems a bit weird that people are called extremists who don’t like their country being converted to china by covering every inch with a camera, maybe even if they used explosives against these in a way that didn’t hurt anyone.

    •  frankPodmore   ( ) OP
      1 year ago

      I mean, just google what a Ulez camera is, man. It’s to enforce a low-emissions zone, so that cars don’t kill people with air pollution. It’s an expansion of the already successful low and ultra-low emissions zones in London.

      The explosion didn’t hurt anyone but that was pure luck. You cannot safely blow something up on a public road. Anyone who’d been walking, cycling or driving by at the wrong moment could’ve been seriously injured or killed. Again, this is obvious.

      And, yes, anyone who responds to a public health policy with explosives is an extremist.