Rishi Sunak’s Conservatives are facing their worst ever result at the general election and could be left with just 130 seats, according to Professor Sir John Curtice.

The country’s top polling guru warned of the bleak situation faced by the Tories as they head into winter with the news dominated by infighting over the prime minister’s Rwanda deportation plan.

  • So I’m a yank and might need help understanding this. Through Thatcher all the way through Brexit, this Rwanda deportation deal is the driving nail that makes everyone understand that the Tories are a bunch of cunts?

    I’m trying to figure out how to get my country to understand that our conservatives are a bunch of nation wrecking cunts as well, so any guidance would be appreciated.

    • No that deal is helping them. It was having parties while no one was allowed to meet in COVID. Giving away money to mates for PPE that didn’t work. Truss having 30 days in power and making the economy even worse. Massive inflation.

      • I think of it like trying to squash a mattress with lots of small objects. The more objects that you put on, the more areas that are squashed, but there are still parts that haven’t been compressed yet.

        Similar thing with the politics, people don’t change allegiances until it’s a bombshell they care about.