As in where there are talks, people get to chat with the presenters, hackathons, etc. but not necessarily hands-on hardware demos

  • 50-75% of the conferences I do now have virtual presenters

    That’s surprising. I must looking at the wrong conferences or not finding the option on the conference pages. But I’m happy that you’re reporting that trend in your conferences.

    Thank you for the insights. Always difficult as an outsider to know what’s going on behind the scenes.

    • Maybe it’s just that I do more corporate conferences instead of exhibition or symposium type conferences.
      I think companies that have adapted for COVID are a lot more set up for virtual participation at their conferences.
      Whereas, a symposium kinda thing where delegates buy tickets expect presentations to be in-person. Which makes sense, it’s what they are paying for. otherwise they could’ve saved money and just watched the stream/VODs