The Israeli Operation Directorate’s Influencing Department is reportedly running a xenophobic Telegram channel, featuring content filmed by Israeli soldiers in Gaza.
The Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Operation Directorate’s Influencing Department, is running a Telegram channel, named “72 Virgins - Uncensored”, that shares gruesome footage taken by invading soldiers in the Gaza Strip, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.
Footage and photos, shared by the channel’s administrator, are usually accompanied by captions celebrating Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Influencing Department is responsible for the occupation’s psychological warfare operations which target Palestinians and foreign audiences.
Zionist racial hatred for Palestinians comes as no surprise, as official Israeli accounts have battled hard to normalize an anti-Palestinian sentiment, in conjunction with its aggression on the Gaza Strip. Israeli officials have also publicly stated opinions shared by the channel’s administrators, highlighting deep-rooted systematic xenophobia and extremism within Israeli society.
The channel run by the IOF, has also propagated racial derogatory stereotypes, to an engaged Israeli audience, in an attempt to dehumanize Palestinians, a tactic employed by Nazi officials against minorities during World War II.
Moreover, specific footage highlights occupation forces desecrating the bodies of Palestinian martyrs in the Gaza Strip, which the channel’s subscribers joyfully celebrate.
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Why did you put this in quotation marks? That’s an actual article and actual reporting instead of the Islamist propaganda site that you originally posted.
I read it and I think this is highly problematic. The IDF should definitely not operate such a channel and there needs to be an investigation into how it came to be.
The IOF should be destroyed, period.
If the IDF gets destroyed, the result would be October 7 times several thousand, a second Holocaust. Do you want millions of dead Israelis? It seems to me like you do, based on your rhetoric.
Once Hamas gets destroyed, the result will be relative peace for a few years. That’s the difference.
No it won’t. Settlements getting built on their land, while enduring constant raids by the police, militants, and armed settlers is the worst outcome Palestinians could get.
The occupation’s militia is an immoral terrorist group that’s very well equipped, and it must be destroyed.
If it were up to me, the settlers would be evicted, but let’s be real: Israel is not going to make any concessions towards Palestinians after October 7. That door has been shut and for decades to come. You know that.
I really don’t see what you gain by calling the IDF an “occupations milita”. Nobody is going to take you seriously that way. It’s just immature, a clumsy attempt at trying to equate a regular army with irregular groups like Hamas.
Are we gonna pretend that they were working towards removing settlements now? The door was never open, and you know that.
To be fair, unlike Hamas they always do wear uniforms while committing acts of terror. But they tried to call themselves a defense force. If that’s not silly, then I don’t know what is.
They removed all settlers from Gaza and look what they got in return.
Yes, they did remove settlements in 2005 and I think that it was a genuine attempt at peace. The problem is the elections that followed in 2005 and 2007 were elections to choose between 1. trust Israel fully and 2. don’t trust Israel at all. The result was Hamas (Don’t trust Israel at all) winning 44% to Fatah’s 41%.
You could blame the Gazan’s for voting Hamas in, but they had their reasons to not trust Israel, you may already know some of those reasons, but the biggest may be the Oslo accords that resulted in the assassination of the PM at the time and nearly nothing changing for the West bank.
ThEy SaId ThE sAmE tHiNg.
You racist asshole.
You can’t tell most Israelis and Palestinians apart based on their physical features, including skin color, because they are from the same region and closely genetically related to one another. Only someone who knows very little about this region and conflict would try and make this about race - and on top of that, you are so confidently wrong that you are needlessly aggressive.
Because Haaretz is a propoganda channel for Israeli Hasbara.
There are fine Israeli media outlets, such as 972 and B’Tselem