• No.

    He wants the Steamdeck user base to be 10 million, so it’s large enough to support a player base that can generate revenue if targeted.

    And frankly it’s not a him problem. Nearly every dev refuses to release on Linux (and Mac) because of its small user base.

    • It’s one thing to not release for Linux (thanks to wine and proton it’s no Biggie) another thing is to actively sabotage it to run on Linux which some Developers who can’t check a fricking Checkbox in EAC do.

    • 10 million is just an arbitrary number he will not honor when it is reached.

      Valve has sold ‘multiple millions’(source) already. The 10 million will probably be reached soon. Not even to mention all the Linux users.

      And frankly it’s not a him problem. Nearly every dev refuses to release on Linux (and Mac) because of its small user base.

      Yes it is. He does not have to release for Linux. He just needs to allow the anti cheat to run on Proton. This is a simple config change not more. Fortnite will probably run fine on Proton.

        •  stardust   ( @stardust@lemmy.ca ) 
          77 months ago

          And look how late they were when it came to launching their own digital platform. I’m not taking about games being on PC.

          This is a company that saw consoles more worth putting resources towards and didn’t see it worth it too start their own Steam competitor even back in 2008.


          They had many chances to become the go to digital platform for PC.

          • Every gaming company basically thought the PC was dead for gaming, only to be relegated to nerd paying high prices for hardware to play niche nerdy shit.

            Honestly I still don’t know what changed, even Japanese devs are releasing on PC again, it’s a weird time.

            •  stardust   ( @stardust@lemmy.ca ) 
              7 months ago

              Well apparently Valve didn’t get the memo. By the time PS3 came out and the further into the Gen it got it became clearer that digital was the way forward. And you’d think a company with PC roots would have gotten their own digital distribution platform started once steam sales caught on.

              The whole everyone thought pc was dead excuse is a poor one because Epic took until 2018 to bother with their own distribution platform. That’s a hell of a long time and too many years from the PC is dead excuse.

              That’s what I mean by many many many missed chances. They had over a decade to enter as it became more and more obvious the money there was to be made from PC gamers.

            • PC gaming has only had a slow, steady rise since Steam entered the scene. But perhaps one other catalyst might have been the Games For Windows initiative (not “Live”) that standardized controller support, added some extra marketing oomph, and gave more incentive to make the same game on PC and console rather than making two entirely different games (sometimes with the same title, like Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter).