For me, it’s CTE’s. I find it amazing to complete a calculation with clear intermediate steps, and goes a long way towards convincing people to use SQL rather than Excel to perform calculations on large tables of data.

What construct do you like using on a daily basis?

  • You can create a functional enum view by just assigning enums as the column names and storing a single row of the int (or whatever enum) representation.

    Then use that view in a cross join. You can (almost) eliminate magic numbers entirely and makes the code much more human legible.


    CREATE VIEW AS enum.OrderType
    CAST (1 as 'New'),
    CAST (2 as 'Pending'),
    CAST (3 as 'Shipped')
    -- Assuming a table with OrderId and OrderTypeId
    SELECT              o.OrderId 
    FROM                dbo.Orders AS o
    CROSS JOIN          enum.OrderType AS ot
    WHERE               o.OrderTypeId = ot.[Pending]
    -- Only returns orders where TypeId = 2, no need to know what Id that is or for anyone else to in the future either.

    This trick works even on large datasets with a lot of complex joins. Getting the status name itself to return is a bit more of a chore though.