• The best moments are when you don’t see your pal, but you know exactly what happened to them from the sounds.

      Last night we had a base commander who got us killed because they were too slow at disabling two turrets near the entrance, then they thought they were hot shit and could rescue some of the stuff. Instead they got shot by the same turrets and we lost all our scrap on the final day. That was a laughfest.

      • Oh gosh, the fading “nooo!” When someone falls is too funny!

        One of our best stories was from the delivery planet where we were exploring the area. We went down the ladder to check out the ocean and that walkway down there. We’re all talking and one of our friends goes, “hey guys wanna see something cool?”

        We kinda ignore him for a minute and finish our conversation, then we go over to him to hear what he found.

        We found his dead body. He fell from the stairs right after he said that and died! We were all stunned, it had been a couple minutes so we just kind of laughed. Decided his sister should give him a sailors funeral and drop his body off into the sea.

        So she picks him up and tosses him over. Well, the railing got in the way and stopped him from falling, so she went over the raining and jumped on the pipe. Giving her eulogy, she took a step forward and disappears, dying to the ocean! Gosh we were cackling for hours about that one, sheer gold!