• You are right, in my mind the d20/2 was some sort of iterator over the d20/5, the correct math would be d20/5+(20/5*(d20/10-1)). To get 5 this expresion would be with a 1-5 in the first one and a 11-20 on the second, the first would be 1 (rounded up) , and the second one 4*(2-1), so 5. The idea is that you use the second one to decide how many batches of the full first batch you add to the first one. As if you were rolling a d100 with two d10 but in base 20/5 instead of base 10. It’s not actually base 20/5 but that’s the idea, one of the dice is the “tens” dice and the other is the “hundreds” dice.

    … math baby