• statistia-netcontrib.csv is using some weird country code that isn’t ISO 3166-2, because it’s got what I assume to be Latvia with the code LA which is actually Laos, and that’s reflected on your chart too – I was initially a bit puzzled as to why Laos was listed as being in the EU. At a quick glance it seems to be the only weird one though

    •  tal   ( @tal@lemmy.today ) 
      1 year ago

      That’s just me not knowing my country codes. Over here, “LA” is generally Los Angeles. I’ll fix it; thanks.

      EDIT: Also, Austria appears to be “AT” rather than “AU”. One more fix.

      • Ah I thought you pulled that from some Eurostat database and they were using wonky country codes. The AU / AT mixup is a classic one, and since the spelling of Austria and Australia is so close it’s easy to miss that mistake – just like I did