• Fingers crossed this stuff galvanizes people to realize that voting is, at best, a temporary stopgap and they will need to be a bit more active in the whole political process. What happened to the riots that were promised if Roe vs. Wade was overturned? When the Democrats fall in lockstep with the far right extremists how will you hold them accountable?

    Though this’d also likely lead to far right extremists ramping up their violence as they feel themselves losing power.

    That is what overturning Roe vs. Wade is about. The parent article is a story of far right extremists ramping up their violence as American empire loses power. Is your plan to vote that away? It hasn’t worked for the last 40+ years.

    • What happened to the riots that were promised if Roe vs. Wade was overturned?

      Honestly I’m surprised we didn’t get George floyd/blm levels of protest after Dobbs was official, though a lot of it would’ve been moot since liberals and progressives have spent several decades disarming themselves and fostering a hatred towards guns. Christian nationalists don’t give a single fuck about peaceful protests and if things come to blows, our side is the one with far less firepower and far less zealots willing to risk personal harm for this topic (not saying the second one is good or bad morally, just pointing out that the right’s fostering of that kind of zealotry is an additional hurdle we’ll face).

      That is what overturning Roe vs. Wade is about.

      I was specifically referring to extra-judicial here. If/as they understand they can’t force their draconian laws on everyone through the normal channels of government, they’ll switch to embracing direct, physical violence as a first resort.

      • This is why they leaked the decision but said “it could change it’s not the final decision” to slow roll the information and make it less likely people would take direct action.