I know enough to be dangerous, so consider me a novice. Explanation below. I’m looking for no hassle light bulbs for home assistant.

Are there any smart light bulbs that do not require the use of an application to start some sort of setup for home assistant specifically with a Zigbee controller? I’m getting increasingly frustrated by not only the confusion generally in the spacedue to the high number of options and increasing centralization, but also just trying to find something that works without an additional hassle. Any recommendations appreciated by US based if that helps.

I’m using a conbee 2 controller for Zigbee with a Raspberry Pi 3B running home assistant.

Most frequently I’m annoyed because I got something that uses hubspace, which in theory I thought should work, but the application is required to set up the bulb and it will not run on my phone at all, and I’d prefer not to use it in the first place.

  • I have been able to just pair any zigbee device to my conbee zigbee stick. All work with the default home assistant zigbee automation. I avoid extra Hubs like it’s the plague.

    But I’m still looking for EU/NL lights that go above 800lm and are not super expensive and with an E27 connection