• Henry Ford figured out panel gaps and mass production 100+ years ago. Now we have these pieces of shit that look like a first grader drew them on a double dog dare. Besides the fact that this is a vehicle that nobody wants, the production value is trash compared to anything else on the road today.

    Who is actually going to buy this abomination with zero aesthetic value and zero value as a pickup? I just don’t get who they’re attempting to target with this thing.

    • Most pickup drivers don’t need the bed, so the answer is: The same kind of person that buys any other electric pickup, except they are slightly more individualistic. In terms of range and performance, it’s highly competitive in its segment. Still an entirely unnecessary middle finger to the rest of society though, but no more so than a Rivian or Electric F150.

    •  Zworf   ( @Zworf@beehaw.org ) 
      9 months ago

      I don’t think nobody wants it. Elon’s hard-right fans are usually the big-ass truck “look at my car” kinda person and this is made by their hero so they will buy it in droves, I’m sure.