DENVER (AP) — A divided Colorado Supreme Court on Tuesday declared former President Donald Trump ineligible for the White House under the U.S. Constitution’s insurrection clause and removed him from the state’s presidential primary ballot, setting up a likely showdown in the nation’s highest court to decide whether the front-runner for the GOP nomination can remain in the race.

  • This is a huge political treat for Trump.

    He lost Colorado in a landslide last time. Never even stood a chance of winning it in 2024. But now he’s been handed on a silver platter the ability to claim that the system is rigged against him.

    I get that we do not want a traitorous wannabee dictator on the ballot. But even more important is not letting him take the oval office, either by election or force, and I fear this helps him more than it hinders him.

    •  ulkesh   ( ) 
      56 months ago

      the system is rigged against him

      Also known as, the Constitution of the United States of America.

      But since he nor his idiot supporters will ever understand logic, reason, the common good, and the rule of law, I would agree that they’ll spin this just like they spin everything else.

      But that doesn’t mean these steps shouldn’t be taken.

    • This is a bad take.

      It overvalues the republican narrative machine. What’s the alternative? Rolling over and letting him do whatever because we’re afraid of whatever lie he’ll choose to tell? Hard pass.

      If several blue states do the same, he will lose the nomination or the RNC will have to change the rules to put him in as the nominee. There are more republicans living in California than there are in Texas, and if they can’t vote for Trump, they’ll have to vote for another clown, which gives one of them a fighting chance of beating Trump. Regressives are selfish - they won’t be able to resist infighting.

    • I’m sure this will boost his fundraising. That’s guaranteed to happen anytime he’s held to account. But the alternative is to not hold him to account for his many publicly committed crimes. I fear that much more.