• I barely accept religious food preferences and now you want me to accept political food preferences? I eat anything and don’t complain because I’m not a bitch and I’ve experienced literal starvation before.

    What the fuck is this ridiculous amount of entitlement.

    The ONLY appropriate reason for food variety in MRE’s is allergies and so the troops don’t go insane from the constant repetitiveness of one type of trash food over and over.

      • I understand you have literacy issues so I’ll correct you and move on since I don’t like spending overmuch time in dialogue with idiots.

        As I mentioned I have experienced actual starvation, thanks mainly to the loving care the Canadian government puts in group homes.

        Now, I don’t complain because I’m not a bitch.

        Once again, wrong on all counts and judging from your comment history you have very little likelihood of ever actually being right, but I digress, learn how to read, moron.