While ‘range anxiety’ used to be a factor in purchasing an electric vehicle years ago, consumers have less to worry about when it comes to how far their EV can go, experts say.

    • -30C (real negative 30 celcius, not real feel or wind chill) is so exceedingly rare in PEI that I couldn’t tell you.

      What I can say is that I need to commute to work everyday, and for a bit every year that’s - 15 to - 20 C or worse, and I’ve never driven cold.

      Yes there is a preheat. It works fine, cabin warms up quick while it’s plugged in. For 2 years I was parking it outside and now I have a garage, in either case it was no problem.

    • Mine has a precondition option that can both heat the cabin and warm up the battery while still plugged in (a warm battery will give you better range). The heaters keep up, and in fact can warm the cabin faster than on ICE: The latter uses waste heat from the engine, the EV just uses a heating element like a space heater for home would.