I really can’t stand their skewed priorities in contrast to the state of Firefox.

  • It takes nearly as long to decrapify a new Firefox install as it does to compile Librewolf.

    Install uBlock.

    Tell Firefox that you don’t want to sync at the moment.

    Disable “sponsored” stories. AKA, listicles designed to draw in idiots who want to see which 8 child actors from the 90s turned out to be the tallest. Alarmingly close to the tacky crap that you might see on a fresh Windows install.

    Tell Firefox that you don’t want to sync at the moment.

    Now disable Pocket. Remembering to go into about:config to really disable it

    Disable telemetry.

    Tell Firefox that you don’t want to sync at the moment.

    Remove Amazon, Bing, et al. from the search engine list.

    Remove “suggested” and “sponsored” autocomplete.

    Tell Firefox that you don’t want to sync at the moment.

    Remind yourself that, despite this crap, Firefox is still a better browser than any Chromium knockoff.