Hi all, as with most of you, I’m an immigrant from Reddit. I never used to go on to the NZ or regional subreddits because frankly, I felt very unwelcome and those places were extremely negative.

How then do we build a new community that is based on being positive and accepting, even of those with different points of view, political leanings, religious beliefs or lifestyles? Everyone deserves a voice, no one deserves to be shouted down or made to feel unwelcome or belittled because they have differing thoughts.

Even festering cunts like Brian Tamaki and his ilk, deserve a seat at the table. We live in a free country and that means everyone should get a voice. Everyone gets to speak their piece, even if you don’t like it.

How do we stop this community devolving into yet another online echo chamber?

  • @Dave@lemmy.nz has already stated that he would rather not over moderate (I don’t want to put words in his mouth either), and I love the idea of free speech… but, and a big but it is, I wouldn’t want to see this become a home to bigots.

    I had spun up a Lemmy instance before I saw Dave had created this one. The NZ community I put in place was very deliberately called !aotearoa@no.lastname.nz and not NZ.

    •  Dave   ( @Dave@lemmy.nz ) 
      21 year ago

      @Dave@lemmy.nz has already stated that he would rather not over moderate (I don’t want to put words in his mouth either)

      I don’t want to give the impression of a low amount of moderation. Rather, calling people out on poor behaviour* as a first step and resorting to bans only when discussion fails.

      * we don’t have to put up with or waste our time on obvious trolls, I just don’t think banning anyone that says something in good faith that we don’t like is the way to build a welcoming community

      • I’ didn’t want to imply that it would be low moderation to the point to where it falls apart, and I another comment I linked to the thread.

        So far Dave I think you are doing well to get across what your intentions are.