Yeah, I commented once earlier today and then just now popped back in to see if anything significant had been added, and wow, FfaeriOxide just cannot let go of this. It’s just so totally obvious who Zima’s “stalker” is at this point it’s hilarious.
This whole thread has been a racist throwing a hissyfit.
For someone who claims others can’t let things go, it’s interesting you felt the need to “pop back in” to slander someone you don’t know with falsehoods.
Omg this entire thread is incredible.
Yeah, I commented once earlier today and then just now popped back in to see if anything significant had been added, and wow, FfaeriOxide just cannot let go of this. It’s just so totally obvious who Zima’s “stalker” is at this point it’s hilarious.
I’m really disappointed you think I would be that transparent to make a burner then post in a thread about it using my real account.
If I wanted to fuck with Zima clandestinely I would do a much better job of it than that.
I think Zima is a racist and a nincompoop, but I never downvoted anyone with a burner.
And even now he feels the need to throw in some shots at Zima, as if that’s what this thread has ever been about.
This whole thread has been a racist throwing a hissyfit.
For someone who claims others can’t let things go, it’s interesting you felt the need to “pop back in” to slander someone you don’t know with falsehoods.
Really disappointed with you, sis.
I’m devastated.
If only you were quiet, too.
Whatif this person is also Zima and they’re accusing you of doing what they’re doing. My low stakes life is going to dwell on this forever.