• OK so I’ve read this whole thing and I’m still a bit confused, so help me please: this refers to the “Driving Mode” which hides all my apps and gives some weird simplified interface, right?

    Because there’s also a “Driving” mode which is only accessible via a widget (why, Google) which gives you a map while driving without having to specifically enter a destination. That one’s staying, presumably?

    • Really… I have to check that out. For a very long time I’ve wanted a mode in maps where it behaves as though I put a destination in without a destination, why don’t they have that?? If this is the mode you mention and I’m only just finding out, then it is definitely the one Google is turfing…

      • I think this is mostly what you want, but as far as I can find online (and I’ll test it again later today) it no longer shows traffic warnings and your current speed like the destination maps does. I think it used to, though, which is what’s annoying about this whole situation.

        I actually lost this feature for a while - it used to be under the hamburger ≡ menu as “Just Drive” and then the hamburger menu disappeared, and I’ve just recently found it again as a widget.

        So, yeah, Google kills all good things and I’m sure it won’t last for much longer, but it’s nice in the meantime.