Dr. Wenliang’s message went viral, becoming the earliest warning of what we now know today as Covid-19. He returned to work, but contracted Covid from a patient, and died on February 7, 2020.

Four years later, investigations about the virus’s origins aren’t going forward, largely due to China’s reluctance to facilitate a comprehensive investigation by the WHO, the World Health Organization. Beijing hesitates to provide access to critical raw data which would not only help to identify the exact cause of the virus but would also facilitate the preparation for future pandemics.

  • I don’t think they’re defending PRC, just pointing out there are others also deserving of your anger. The US not only did terrible at responding to the ongoing pandemic, they convinced people they didn’t but if so to just blame PRC for it. Sure, be mad that they covered it up, but also be mad that our government mishandled things terribly too.

      • If you’re this angry, then by all means, please leave.

        In the less developed world Covid was dubbed “rich man’s sickness” because only people who were affected were those who had the means to travel. But those few rich brought it back, and made it everyone’s problem. Am I angry with those people? No.

        Most governments were not handing this well. Your anger towards only one country’s government is misguided.