• Yes! This has been very frustrating for me as an engineer. I chose this path in order to help solve the big problems of our times. And then realized that we don’t need engineers for that, solutions are lying unused on the floor everywhere.

    Climate: We know electrification displaces fossil fuel usage. And we know how to produce electricity without emitting CO2 (yes, nuclear, but now increasingly renewables). We don’t have one solution to get out of the climate crisis, we have a dozen. I don’t have any work there as an engineer. There is a political opposition to overcome, from conservatives mostly but shockingly also from ecologists who refuse to do their homeworks and still claim EVs or nuclear energy is not part of the solution. We could have solved the CO2 emission crisis in the 90s.

    Work automation: My main focus as a roboticist. I started doubting my path when I realized that subway trains were not automated 50 years after it became possible (and done in a real world deployment). We could be in a post-labor society today, but the transition period to it is so scary that we refuse to take the jump.

    Inequality: Redistribution works. Proven, published, profitable to the majority. Ergo, the minority of rich make sure democracy remains broken.

    Fascism: Education works. Population educated about critical thinking and media literacy spread far less misinformation. People who know about the Milgram experiment are less likely to fall for unethical orders. Yet we do not do it.

    It is weird. I am a big technophile and hard science lover but if I were back in my 18s I would rather choose either social science or arts as a lever to change things for the best. Engineers have done their work. We will continue to make it easier to bring good to the work but when you see ecologists moan about wind turbines being ugly, EVs being non-ideal and conservatives about coal being manly and chunky vibrating thermal cars being cool, it feels a bit like installing an escalator to the fitness center: the problem is not in the accessibility, it is in the will.

    Interested in other peoples take on it btw.

    • I think a lot of the problem is general apathy. As a software engineer I came into this world with a desire to improve the world through technology, and landed in a world where nobody gives a damn about anything besides getting paid. Though, to be fair, when you’re a small cog in a huge company where half of the time you don’t even know what’s the bigger picture, and the product you’re working on isn’t yours in any way, it’s hard to care, and this carries over easily into everyday life.

      Climate: A lot of people don’t even think it’s man-made, or that it’s serious, or that we can do anything about it. (Also I think that it’s quite a shame that it’s often mentioned as “Save the planet”, as if Earth is going to get destroyed, and not “Save humanity”)

      Work automation: Even software engineers say how automation will “kill jobs”, which betrays the worldview in which it’s only important to have a job and make money, doesn’t matter what your work is.

      Inequality: Again, most don’t care and believe that poverty is a result of moral failing, or just think that it’s not their problem so they have nothing to do with it.

      Fascism: Youtube is absolutely brimming with terrible content that leads people down that path because it’s so simple and seemingly intuitive, and the prevailing opinion (at least around me) is that everything else is just “feminazi sjw feelings” propaganda. Even “anti-fascism” is often seen in a bad light.

      I agree with you completely, the solutions are there, we’re just not using them, and I think that the bulk of the problem is that most people have been conditioned to a certain worldview where everything is as it should be, and has been since forever (very often nationalists like to project their modern worldviews into ancient and medieval history), and your only concern is your day-to-day life, to have a job, make money and numb yourself to reality (“have fun”) until you die.

      We have to get people to believe in societies again, to make small mutual-aid agreements in daily life with our friends and family and make them seem normal and how societies should function. And that’s something deeply entrenched in human culture, the “general wisdom” we tell kids and rarely do ourselves: “Be kind, help others”. Just today I saw a woman accidentally get her front wheel stuck in a ditch, and she couldn’t get out. Almost instantly a couple of complete strangers that were passing by came to help, and they managed to get the car unstuck. As Mencius said, if someone were see a child about to fall into a well, they would immediately and without second thought run to save the child, our default mode is to help those who need it.

    •  bstix   ( @bstix@feddit.dk ) 
      56 months ago

      I’m somewhat more optimistic, but some things are easier than others.

      The transition to environmentally friendly energy production will happen, because it’s cheaper. It ought to have happened sooner, because when accounting for the true costs of fossil fuels and other kinds of pollution it always was cheaper to use renewables. It just didn’t appear so.

      Similarly, I believe the costs of not doing the right things for work automation, fixing inequality and even misinformation, will eventually prove to be higher than just doing things right. It just doesn’t show up as a direct cost at the moment.

      The key to understanding the effects and true costs lie in education. Thankfully more people are better educated today than 30-40-50 years ago, so eventually and hopefully we will soon have politicians and other leadership who are also able to see past the direct costs. I don’t think it’s a gradual change. It’ll happen quite fast with the change of a generation. The last dinosaurs and their voters will disappear and younger and better educated leaders with more realistic ideas will prevail.

      But no, it’s not a job for engineers. Education is the most important part of all this.

      • and we even have cheap solar and wind, which today beats nuclear in cost.

        About that in particular: this is true but mostly because we poured tons of R&D into renewables and we let out skills in nuclear energy slowly decay. Had we invested as much as we should have in the 90s, I am sure nuclear would be much cheaper nowadays. But that point is relatively moot now, I just remain pro-nuclear as in “Don’t close our currently built nuclear power plant prematurely! We need them for the transition out of fossil fuels!” more than “build a lot more and quicker!” I think that ship has sailed. That was something to do in the 90-2000 but now we can and probably should switch to renewables for new plants. I am just bitter that we wasted 3 decades and burnt fossil fuel along the way.

      • Oh I know these. On the global scale though, you can make an argument that developing nations like India and China need coal.

        What I am shocked more is that ecologists who are fighting on these issues and make it a sizable part of their lives are ignorant of these numbers.