• The same thing is happening globally, and it’s becoming clear that moderate conservatives are very much in the minority. It worries me to no end that fascism seems to be winning, and there doesn’t seem to be much we can do about it

    • Yeah, it’s this weird mixed bag thing. In the US, I’ve found myself being able to pull people who were originally registered Republican fairly far left. People who bought a lot of the conservative propaganda but couldn’t stomach Trump are now starting to wake up a bit, at least in my personal experience. But the ones who are still in the party are full of nothing but hate, and there are still plenty of them there.

    • I’m afraid the traditional way to “deal with fascism”, has always been the same: war.

      People seem to naturally tend towards siding with the “strong side”, and the only way to make them side with the “compassionate side” is to periodically turn their daily existence into living hell. We don’t seem to have yet found an effective way to educate and keep new generations on the “compassionate side”; hopefully we’re getting closer, but clearly we’re not there yet.