I’m a retired Unix sysadmin. Over the years I’ve built things in COBOL, FORTAN, C, perl, rexx, PHP, visual basic, various Unix shells and maybe others. Nothing has been a real “application” - mostly just utilities to help me get things done.

Now that I’m retired, and it’s cold outside, I’m curious to try some more coding - and I have an idea.

The music communities here seem to post links to YouTube. I generally use Lemmy on my phone but don’t use YouTube, or listen to music, on my phone if I can help it. I’d like to scrape a music community here and add the songs posted to a playlist in my musicbrainz account.

Does that sound like a reasonable learner project? Any suggestions for language and libraries appreciated. My preferred IDE is vim on bash and I have a home server running Linux where this could run as a daemon, or be scheduled.

  • Indeed. while my bash-fu is redimentary at best, I don’t think Bash can be used for web scrapping ? But I think he could use RSS to get the posts, then extract youtube links with Regex and use the dump feature of yt-dlp* to get the video category, title,etc by using jq to parse the json. Then, it’s probably just a matter of using curl to do the API calls and voilà.

    *yt-dlp is better maintained than youtube-dl, or so I heard.