• I don’t think thats even a conspiracy theory, i think its just what happened (i could be wrong)

    However, I have my OWN CUSTOM INSANE conspiracy theory about my little european country! You see, we use trains a lot here, they are pretty well connected, so unless you live in a small village, and I mean REALLY small village that is not connected, you can use the trains. And till recently, the trains were okay. They werent like japan or something, there were delays, but when you took one, you were confident that you would usually arrive on time

    It all changed when, for some reason, the entire system changed, not only the timetable but what kind of train stops where. It became incredibly fucking nonsensical, trains can be late for HOURS, or not come at all, old trains are used for fast tracks, new trains used for old tracks… I am not some kind of train expert, but I can assure you I could get fucking wasted and still I would have made a better system than this.

    My conspiracy theory is, that whoever made this change got paid by big auto to fuck up trains so more people use cars. I have no supporting evidence of that theory and my sources were revealed to me in my dreams