It’s insane the lengths that some people will go to save a few seconds on their commute, while also endangering others.

  • Good. Speed cameras are an abominable hypocrisy. The claim that they’re there because safety is important is undermined by the total lack of action Devon and Cornwall police take against actual unsafe drivers.

    I drove past a police officer standing with a speed camera recently at 20mph with another car driving less than two feet from my bumper.

    Had I been speeding I’d have gotten a ticket, meanwhile the police watch this actually dangerous driver sail past them without taking any action.

    Half a mile later I have to drive onto the wrong side of the road around a lorry parked on a corner, with almost no visibility of oncoming traffic.

    Their moral authority is destroyed and their pretence shattered by their own inaction and ineffectiveness.

    So tear down the speed cameras if it highlights their fiction. Devon and Cornwall police are great at many things. Traffic is not one of them.

    • I don’t really get your argument.

      Speed cameras are designed to do one thing – issue citations for speeding.

      The job of the police officer is to identify a wide array of crimes and issue citations for them, when they observe them.

      The incident where a car was tailgating you and the incident where a lorry was creating an unsafe driving situation have absolutely nothing to do with the speeding camera. Both of those situations are the responsibility of a policy officer, if they are alerted to the crime or observe it themselves. You have a valid complaint about the complacency of your local law enforcement, but what does your argument have to do with the speed camera?