• American lunar capabilities have atrophied while India and China are speeding ahead. The last controlled American moon landing (crewed or uncrewed) was Apollo 17. In 1972.

    And people believe that Artemis 3 will happen next year

    • It wasn’t a NASA lander, it was an Astrobotic lander. NASA has been busy with Mars landings. The whole point of CLPS is to get cheaper missions by doing less micromanaging. We’ll see how Intuitive Machines does next.

      I don’t think anyone even moderately informed has though a 2025 Artemis 3 landing is realistic for years at this point. It sounds like the official delay announcement is coming soon.

    • This isn’t NASA, it’s a private company completely unrelated in anyway to the Artemis projects success chances. NASA meanwhile, has a great track record for landing stuff on mars, which is much harder

      That being said, no one who is actually following the Artemis project believes Artemis 3 will happen next year, we all know 2026 is the earliest it’ll be at this point.

      ETA: Annnddd it’s official, Artemis 2 delayed to 2025, Artemis 3 delayed to 2026.