•  polygon   ( @polygon@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    What these guys don’t realize is the “value” of their website is their users content. They tend to feel like they’re the value, that they’ve done something great. You see this in both Musk and Zuck. They feel like they’re the heroes of the internet. Except what is Reddit exactly, what is it’s value? It is only the users. These guys parade around the knowledge of other people as if it’s their own value and want to become rich off it. I’m sick of this Silicon Valley bullshit, honestly. That whole mindset is toxic from start to finish. And we see the finish on all of them: screw over the people who create the content for the next round of VC cash, or IPO.

    I hope Lemmy or whatever comes next can resist this culture of “burn it to the ground for the payday”.