• Why do you think? The US and GB are looking for any excuse to cut funding to Ukraine, because it can actually be won. Better then to let the conflict continue for many decades. There’s more money to be made in the long run. So you gotta spin a little yarn, include some unnecessary details, gesture mildly at “possible interpretations”.

    •  cobra89   ( @cobra89@beehaw.org ) 
      6 months ago

      because it can actually be won

      I fail to see how you can be so confident it can be “won” that easily. The only thing that will end that war quickly is another nation getting involved which will never happen while Russia has nukes.

      You’re failing to follow Occam’s razor and instead choose to believe some conspiracy theory that the US wants the war to drag on forever.

      Please explain why Ukraine winning the war and Putin losing wouldn’t be the best thing for the US? The reality is the war is not that easy to win and US intelligence even said so. It was literally leaked by that kid on discord, so it’s not even statements the US government made publicly.

      So all evidence points to the war not being easy to win and your conspiracy theory being BS. Again follow Occam’s razor and stop falling for conspiracy theories just to make yourself feel like you know something others don’t.

      •  taanegl   ( @taanegl@beehaw.org ) 
        6 months ago

        Nukes don’t mean shit. It’s nothing more than flag waving essentially and used in FUD. Nobody’s firing off another nuke without getting one in return. It’s a favourite empty threat the Kremlin parades around when they want to do the helicopter in public.

        But, back to relevancy: what is it the Ukrainians are getting? Weapons, armory and vehicles that are about to be decommissioned - because that way government can feed more cash into the military industrial complex. They could have given them weapons that would just roll over the McGuyvered military equipment the Russians are bumbling around in. But I digress.

        Wtf are you even talking about “conspiracy”? Conspiracy implies thoughtful and planned approach, probably even a secret cabal, like conspiracy theorists do. It implies conspiracy, and I hope you know what that word means. The fact is this is just the basic bitch gutteral response that is capitalism. A tingling of the spine, number go up, WEALTH CREATION. The military industrial complex go vroom.

        Longer war, more money. Money good. Money happy feelings make.

        I never posed any direct intent, or at least didn’t mean to, but saying it’s just par for the course - really.