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  •  altz3r0   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    Just finished Alone Together, by Sherry Turkle.

    It’s a book that dives into our relationship with technology, and each other. It’s a decent read for these times we are living, although the author didn’t get to live the massification of social media before writing it.

    It dives into how we turn to machines to fullfil our connection needs, while avoiding the disappointments of connecting with other humans. It showcases a bunch of stories to illustrate its point, as usual for non-fiction books, but I felt it gave good nuances to the point, and even identified a little with some scenarios. She goes just a little overboard with how little she thinks about online communities, and I feel she doesn’t state very clearly that communities online doesn’t have to be the same as communities in real life. My opinion diverges from what related to that assumption, but it was a great read overall!