welp fellas,

after working shitty corporate jobs in America, making well above the nation and local average, i somehow have less money than i did working bullshit jobs in china. Life here kind of sucks, and while there are many beautiful places in America, i don’t get to see them because im stuck at this shitty job all the time. I don’t even see my family any more than i would if i lived in China.


I have a walk on spot at an easy breezy university job, what do you think? Go back to china and live the easy life, but have to deal with their pain in the ass government, or stay in america and live a safer life, but have to deal with my pain in the ass job.

    • It certainly wasn’t as strict by a long shot but at least for me it was a very stressful period but for the opposite reason.

      People were absolute assholes to each other and were making rancid jokes about people dying and actively and openly sabotaging government attempts to prevent spread and deaths.

      And the government fucked up on so many levels, it really made me lose faith in our collective ability to solve difficult problems like climate change.

      In China people died in front of hospitals due to insane rules and outside of China people died in hospitals due to lack of care and lack of rules.

      An elderly lady (not very old, around 60), I knew, broke her leg in April 2020, caught Covid in the hospital and died. And my grandparents were in a retirement home and somehow survived even though they were both around 90 but there were 3 major outbreaks killing over half of the people in there.

      So it seems it sucked everywhere, aside from Taiwan and New Zealand perhaps?