Let’s get this community popping with some useful information. Reddit’s sysadmin subreddit seemed like a place of complainers, I look forward to having actual productive conversation in this community.

  • For Linux admin:

    • SSH (duh)
    • tmux (terminal multiplexer)
    • rsync (copy tool that can be used to only sync changed/new files)
    • ansible (automation juggernaut)
    • docker-compose (easily manage docker containers)


    • Bitwarden (password/credential/key storage)
    • Wireguard (VPN)
    • NextCloud (Google Drive/Docs replacement)
    • NextCloud Notes (Google Keep, Evernote, … replacement)
    • SyncThing (keep folders in sync between Android, Windows, Mac, Linux, etc)

    I’m sure there’s more, but I can’t think of anything specific right now.