The video is bombastic, even by Mr Trump’s standards. Just consider the title: God Made Trump.

  • Yea. And in a way, Trumps greatest political achievement may be that he proved or materialised the “elitism” facade around US Democracy and Government. While previously, to many, especially urban and higher/“educated” class types, it might have just been a Fox News culture war wedge, with Trump and how “no one” saw him coming or understood his appeal, the whole elitist facade and the safe bubble many had taken for granted was revealed.

    •  sqgl   ( ) 
      9 months ago

      To be fair, Bernie Sanders did see his appeal. He came from the same down-to-earth angle (even more so, not being a billionaire) and addressed many of the same issues except offering a genuine solution rather than a scam.

      The Democratic party did not like that because they are part of the elite, playing good cop to GOP’s bad cop. USA is screwed until it eliminates its backward two-party system.

      • Oh for sure, and this was known at the time IIRC, when some polling it something revealed that “Bernie bros will vote for trump”. And, IIRC, the mainstream media response was that it made little sense.