So I’ve discovered that after a while, it get a bit messy to keep track of all the passwords, API keys, which services are connected to which databases and such. Do you use anything to organise all the info?

I’m using Bitwarden for passwords that have a webui and Notesnook for other stuff, but it feels kinda clunky.

  • I keep all secrets and passwords in a selfhosted Bitwarden instance. I don’t maintain any kind of “documentation” since my deployment files and scripts are clean and tidy, so I can tell what’s going on at a glance by looking at them directly. They’re also constantly changing as I continuously harden services according to ever-changing standards, so it’s more efficient for me to just continue keeping my codebase clean than it is to maintain separate documentation that I myself will likely never read again once I’ve published it.

    I’m the only one that needs to know how my own services are deployed and what the infrastructure looks like, and it’s way faster for me to just look at the actual content of whatever deployment files or scripts I have.

    It’s a different story for things I work with professionally, because you can’t trust someone else working to maintain the same things as you has the same level of knowledge to “just know where to go and what to do”. But that doesn’t apply to personal projects where I just want to get things done.