I feel like I’ve been gaslit into running FOSS but every success only brings me closer to fighting god

  • Google EOL’d my beloved Asus C302 Chromebook, and now it runs Fedora with KDE. I’m super happy with it ❤️

    Now tentatively working on turning my 2009 Mac Mini into a Fedora server/homelab.

    So far it’s running Fedora desktop/KDE, and I’m slowly trying to figure out how to get Docker to work so I can run stuff like Audiobookshelf. If I manage to get it working, I’ll try going full Fedora Server instead of the desktop version.

      • There’s so much waste everywhere, let alone in tech. Being able to both “recycle” old hardware, and find legitimate use for it, should be celebrated.

        Now if only I knew what to do about my old phones … I’m pretty good at making them last, so my older ones are very old, and I can’t think of anything useful for them to do that whatever phone I currently have doesn’t do much better 🤔