I’m usually a C2 sort of guy, but through bad luck and (my own) poor performance, I’ve begun my Sunday morning with a B1. Whilst a bad start to the day, I’m determined not to let it ruin what could be a good Sunday.

Where do you come in on the tea debate?

    •  Bob   ( @MadBob@feddit.nl ) 
      28 months ago

      I thought my Irish mate was having me on saying Irish tea was better than British tea all those years ago. Then I picked up a box of Barry’s while looking for something to do in Limerick. Now I don’t let it run out.

      • My grandmother is from the northwest of Germany. People over there got a very unique tea culture and their own famous blends. Last time I visited her, I gave her a box of Barrys. After the first teapot was empty, she asked me to bring lots more Barrys when I visit her again.