Simple game, a person makes a wish. Anyone else can “corrupt” it. Then that person makes a wish of their own, and the cycle continues.

For example:

Person A: I wish I had 1 million dollars.

Person B: Wish granted, but they are Monopoly dollars. My wish: I wish I could fly.

Person C: Wish granted, but sustaining flight requires 500 calories per minute. My wish: I wish I could teleport.


  •  eren   ( ) 
    11 year ago

    Granted. No one in your country stays sick. There is an explosion in the elderly population. The pension fund runs out. Millions starve to death.

    I wish I am all-knowledgeable.

    • Granted but every time you try to tell someone something you know all they hear is static noise or, if written, all they see is scribblings.

      I wish I could print real all-American $100 USD Benjamin’s straight from my hands whenever I wanted.

      • Granted. However, subdermal printing has yet to be perfected leaving your freshly printed bills stained (and sometimes still wet) with your own blood.

        I wish I could get a full night’s sleep in a matter of minutes.