Kenneth Smith, 58, is facing execution by an untested method that has never before been used in capital punishment in the US. It’s a technique that has been rejected on ethical grounds by veterinarians for the euthanasia of most animals other than pigs: death by nitrogen gas.

  • And I said they are different procedures. Someone intending to die in a pod is not the same as attempting to force someone to die strapping a mask to their face.

    A person in a suicide pod is cooperating with the process not biting and scratching for precious life, potentially causing oxygen to leak into the mask and cause excruciating suffering.

    I am not saying it is immoral to kill prisoners so you shouldn’t use this method (although I say now it is immoral to kill prisoners and you shouldn’t ever do it by this or any other method).

    I am saying this method does not work for executions and you can’t use it for its intended end.