Mine too! I feel like it’s the best way to avoid wasting yarn.
As for your question, if I’m starting with a skein/anything hard to pull from, I make it into one ball. Then I borrow my husband’s kitchen scale, tare it with a yarn bowl, and weigh the ball of yarn in grams. Leaving the ball on the scale, I hand roll a ball from the end until the number on the scale is half of the original number. I even swap the balls to make sure they weigh the same. Then I cut the yarn between the balls and just hope my gauge stays consistent enough to use up the yarn at the same rate!
Thanks for sharing your process! I’ll definitely have to try it at some point, I’ve just been winding my skeins into a cake and using both ends, but it’s fiddley to make sure nothing gets tangled.
Happy to share, it’s worked for me for two pairs (plus this one) so far! I’m impressed that you can do that. I once tried to do TAAT sleeves off both ends of a skein and it was…kind of a tangled disaster. I ended up needing to get a second one and switch one sleeve to it. I guess working from a cake would probably help, but still seems fiddly for me.
Mine too! I feel like it’s the best way to avoid wasting yarn. As for your question, if I’m starting with a skein/anything hard to pull from, I make it into one ball. Then I borrow my husband’s kitchen scale, tare it with a yarn bowl, and weigh the ball of yarn in grams. Leaving the ball on the scale, I hand roll a ball from the end until the number on the scale is half of the original number. I even swap the balls to make sure they weigh the same. Then I cut the yarn between the balls and just hope my gauge stays consistent enough to use up the yarn at the same rate!
Kitchen scale is how I did it, too. I’m doing my first pair like this and they are also taking ages. Feels like, anyway!
They look excellent. I really like the smooth rounding of the toes.
Thanks! Good luck with your pair, it’s slow going but at the end they’re both done so no second sock syndrome!
Thanks for sharing your process! I’ll definitely have to try it at some point, I’ve just been winding my skeins into a cake and using both ends, but it’s fiddley to make sure nothing gets tangled.
Happy to share, it’s worked for me for two pairs (plus this one) so far! I’m impressed that you can do that. I once tried to do TAAT sleeves off both ends of a skein and it was…kind of a tangled disaster. I ended up needing to get a second one and switch one sleeve to it. I guess working from a cake would probably help, but still seems fiddly for me.