Sticking point is how much access U.K. producers should have to the Canadian cheese market

  • I shudder to think what country would want to actually buy asbestos. All I can think about is how much of a pain in the ass it is to clean up once used in construction.

    • It’s fucking amazing through. If it weren’t for the instant cancer thing it would be used in 1000 household products, electronics, automotive parts, airplanes, space shit, even clothes. There are a few places where the benefits still outweigh the risks though, also places like Russia and China where they don’t give a shit.

      • Fun fact, most countries still allow asbestos in a lot of products, including the States. Canada has an outright ban since 2018, which includes in concrete materials.

        It’s a pain in the ass to deal with when we come across old asbestos concrete sewer pipes and have to dispose of them properly. It’s weird that a lot of other countries are still producing it.