I watched critical roles zelda one shot the other day i was really interested in the d6 mechanic they used.
Seemed very streamlined
You didnt role to attack instead you rolled to defend, and your character had stamina. Esch action they took on their turn used a stamina up. You also needed the stamina tondefend though, so it involved resource management too.
Use a your stamina to wail on an opponent then have non left tl defend if you were unsuccessful seemed like a nice change of pace
I watched critical roles zelda one shot the other day i was really interested in the d6 mechanic they used.
Seemed very streamlined
You didnt role to attack instead you rolled to defend, and your character had stamina. Esch action they took on their turn used a stamina up. You also needed the stamina tondefend though, so it involved resource management too.
Use a your stamina to wail on an opponent then have non left tl defend if you were unsuccessful seemed like a nice change of pace