The German foreign ministry, which commissioned the study after suspecting it was being targeted by bots, said the findings highlighted the need for governments to systematically tackle the growing number of disinformation campaigns and recognise the effect they could have on elections.

    1. It’s not unproven they literally paid people to flag the riots I’m not sure why snopes is pussyfooting there.

    But again, EVEN THEN, just paying a few people to go out to protest doesn’t start a protest.

    They put in effort to make it worse, sure, that’s what they do.

    But they didn’t start it. Hell technically BLM didn’t even start it just rode the wave of already high strung public sentiment.

    every post it spells out “IM A RUSSIAN TROLL”.

    Oh I don’t think you are a russian troll, but I DO think you are a troll that isn’t creative enough to make your own tactics so borrow the well publicly documented format of russian state sponsored trolling.

    Something tells me you’ve spent scholarly time reading the Gentleman’s guide to forum disruption.