• As an economic right libertarian, I agree with your morals / social ideas, but disagree on the point of fiscal policy. The problem today is that everyone with right-leaning fiscal policies (not to be related in any way to the social or moral “right wing”) is either forced to abandon their fiscal ideas for the side of morality (the left / democratic party), or become a monster to align with a group that supports their fiscal ideas (the far right / republican party). That’s why we need a party for those who support more hands-off government regulation, but decent morals regarding inclusivity, diversity, LGBTQ+ support, etc… Of course, America’s political system is too screwed at this point for that to ever happen, so I vote democrat to not let the (Extreme) Christian (Bigoted) Republican Theocracy get their way… Because our economy is already too far gone anyways, so I’d rather live through a collapse and have decent morals, than live through the same collapse as the first stage to a recover, but return to the 1700s…