• No you cannot run any of those WMs, some of those do have ports with varying degrees of completeness but only sway(i3) and hyprland(hypr) are ready for prime time.

        Yes, using waypipe

        Yes, primary selection does work along with Ctrl+c although as others have mentioned it forgets when the app you copied from gets closed

      • Can I use AwesomeWM, XMonad, or StumpWM on Wayland?

        Can you run macos software on linux?

        Can I run a GUI program over ssh?

        This is more of a why would you… Although, waypipe

        Does it support the X selection and clipboard protocols?

        Too lazy to google, but overall clipboard works as expected, both C-c and text selection. I remember experiencing problems with clipboards in vim (like 2 yrs ago) which were fixed by switching to nvim

        • Wayland only keeps the clipboard until the application exits. This means a clipboard manager is basically a requirement. Iirc desktop environments might solve those issues by default, but on a standalone compositor just add a clipboard manager and enjoy the history.

    • OK cool. When will it support nVidia?

      inb4 it’s nShitia who must support Wayland

      Wayland compositors run entirely in userspace and do not interact directly with hardware drivers. If Wayland doesn’t work on nVidia but X does, it’s a Wayland problem.

    • Seconded. Although that very much depends on the compositor of choice: I’ve been trying out a few new shiny things (well, pinnacle, strata, buddaraysh), and they aren’t exactly usable rn. With the exception of the latter one, probably (since the author claims to use it), but I haven’t been able to start it so far… On the other hand, major players like hyprland and sway work perfectly fine on my machine :tm