• I find it utterly incomprehensible when people try to offer me evidence to support their religious views. It’s a question of faith, faith doesn’t need evidence.

    If you wanna have a belief system, fine, that’s your jam. Don’t pretend there’s evidence for it or borrow the ideas and language from science about evidence and especially when you borrow those ideas wrong.

    • I absolutely agree with you, but the same goes the other way. Atheists bashing (moderately) religious people for their faith and labelling them as dumb and believing in fairy tales, assuming they use their (i.e. scientific) language and approaches. I’m not a religious person myself but even I can comprehend that moral code is written differently and that religion tries to not only answer, but also ask completely different questions from science.

      • Absolutely!

        My view.

        Belief systems are not held up to standards of reasonableness nor require evidence.

        And they should also not be used to make decisions which need to be evidence based.