•  Gestrid   ( @Gestrid@lemmy.ca ) 
      35 months ago

      It’s not typically written into the contract for most jobs I’ve seen, but it’s still considered very unprofessional to leave without giving the company time to find a replacement. It doesn’t just mess with the company or your boss; it messes with your coworkers, too, who now have to pick up the slack.

      Basically, while it’s not written into your contract, it’s still considered socially unacceptable not to give a two week notice barring any unusual circumstances.

      •  Rev3rze   ( @Rev3rze@feddit.nl ) 
        35 months ago

        It’s always been in my contracts, a month’s notice is the norm here. I’ve never broken that but I’ve also been fortunate enough to work at places where work and life are balanced. I wouldn’t have wanted to disrupt the work for my colleagues and my managers have always shown their respect for me to the point that I want to work with them instead of against them. I don’t think I’ll ever work for an employer that puts the company over the wellbeing of their employees. I’ve seen what being a real team means. People cooperate freely and go the extra mile for eachother if necessary and cut massive amounts of slack to anybody in the team that’s having a tough time and needs to focus on their life outside of work for a bit.

        That said I won’t ever get any bonuses or make large amounts of money in my career either but that’s not what I’m after if it would mean putting work before life.

      •  Syndic   ( @Syndic@feddit.de ) 
        5 months ago

        Na my dude, as long it’s not considered at least as unprofessional for companies to let people on the spot they can go an fuck them self.

        Want a mandated notice period? Put it in contract for both parties. That’s how it works in countries with sane worker laws.