• Acid is not intended to kill, it’s intended to mark, shame, and terrorize.

      When Europeans want to kill, they use butcher knives, machetes, crossbows, stolen guns, or more rarely hunting shotguns.

      Gun controls only make cops less paranoid about everyone being armed.

        • Well… Belgium had about 1.1 murders per 100k population in 2022. For comparison, Spain had 0.6 per 100k, and Italy 0.5 per 100k.

          It’s not the 6.3 per 100k of the USA, or the 53.3 per 100k of Jamaica, but yeah, people still find a way to kill each other.

    • Honestly haven’t heard of this happening in Europe before, but also haven’t done any research before now, and I don’t read a lot of news.

      Seems it’s a surprisingly (for me, at least) big thing in the UK, but until recently was more associated with gang violence, with young men being the main victims, as opposed to the more classic “man has precious ‘honor’ and feelings hurt by woman, manly and honorable man scars woman for life so everyone can see how honorable he is”-scenario.

      Worldwide, 80% of victims are still female.

      It’s worth noting that, according to these statistics, the second and third European countries on the list, France and Italy, have a combined 14 attacks, which is less than the 20 in USA.

      If only the economic rift between the indigent and the insanely wealthy Americans wasn’t so great, you’d all be able to afford guns, and not have to resort to these disgusting “European” tactics 😓

      Maybe we should start a GoFundMe campaign? If it works for paying for healthcare, maybe it will work for getting everyone a gun?