• KDE Plasma 6 will require users to double-click on files and folders to open them by default.
  • This change is controversial for those familiar with single-click behavior in KDE Plasma.
  • Click behavior in KDE Plasma 6 is configurable, allowing users to choose between single-click and double-click.


This is one of the first things I always tweak in KDE, so I love this change, but I’m curious how others feel.

  • It’s simpler than that. I tried several live USBs of different distros with different DEs, picked what I liked best and stuck with it. I do this nearly every time I set up a new linux machine for myself. I used to be a huge KDE fan back in the early 2000s but after their major overhaul around (I think?) 2007-8ish I struggled to get things done like before.