So far I have not seen anything on torrent sites

  •  ShortN0te   ( ) 
    118 months ago

    Basically all closed and invite only. Since asking for an invite is bad practice, you have no chance in getting into any of those if you are not already in or have friends who are already in.

    • That’s not really right.

      It’s easiest to have friends but there are a dozen sites. They open registrations from time to time. If you want to get into X but only Y has open registrations, visit Y, seed and/or leech and you’ll build up reputation. That’ll make it easier to get into the next tracker. It’s not done within a day but you can get into each tracker within a couple of weeks. If you own a seedbox, you will have a very easy life.

      •  ShortN0te   ( ) 
        108 months ago

        If you want to get into X but only Y has open registrations, visit Y, seed and/or leech and you’ll build up reputation. That’ll make it easier to get into the next tracker. It’s not done within a day but you can get into each tracker within a couple of weeks.

        Sounds like a second job. Hard pass.

        Also there is currently just one open registration in the posted link. And i am waiting now for 3 days for the return E-Mail.

        • Sounds like a second job.

          Only a job for your PC, it just needs to shovel bytes.
          You only need to download a few popular torrents and seed them for some time. Some trackers count score for certain torrents differently, like if almost no one is seeding them anymore, or if there is a high demand. It is probably marked visibly when they do that. I don’t think it requires much work, and probably it’s fine too if you only deal with it every few days. Just keep the torrent client running and seeding, at it’ll be fine. Unless you don’t use your computer much, it’s enough if the torrent client runs while your PC is on, but under a few hours a day I’ll build up slowly.

          • That’s great that ppl are saying it is easy. The upvotes on my posts say otherwise AND i have not heard back from any of those i applied or registered for. So I cannot seed when i am not getting an account to begin with.