• The leftists are morons who will end up siding with fascists cause they think the breaking of the system means they will win and people will care… Stupid.

    Accelerationism is what you’re talking about, and its widely rejected on the left for exactly the reasons you bring up. It doesn’t work. It only makes things worse for the working class. Even if the revolution does happen, there’s no guarantee that what comes out the other side is actually better.

    There’s a lot of overlap with tankies and accelerationism. They’re loud, but they aren’t numerous, and also tend to get kicked out of all the other leftist groups.

    • Yeah, accelerationism is actually what I am referring to but it’s spreading.

      It’s rejected in some spaces and overly welcome in others. The issue is staunch belief in self right tends to mean there is a lack of joined support except for specific groups with easily shared identity.

      I’ve been banned from “entry” leftist spaces that are not considered tankie spaces because I questioned the use of spreading GOP propaganda pieces and the general consensus is shifting towards letting it burn which comes with all the dangers of the working class being roasted alive.
      It is probably true that they make up a smaller percentage but are making up most of the vocal conversations at this point. And they aren’t just in small spaces.

      Honestly I think it’s actually right wing groups doing this push trying to get more leftists to consider a loss by the Democrats in the US as the victory needed to get more leftists in power. Which is absolutely not how that would go. But it does seem to be working in groups that are neither silent nor very small. And it’s a shocking amount of the conversation.