• Thanks for making an effort in spreading this community on r/Gunners (at least I assume it’s you based on the username). Not received that well it seems. It appears that our old home is filled with uninformed and narrow-minded people that frankly it’s better to avoid.

      That comment about Lemmy looking like social media from 2008 like that’s a bad thing says it all really.

      • The irony is that these people do not realise Reddit looks the same without all the third party tools like RES.

        I honestly think Lemmy is a little buggy and the backend mod tools are lacking, but the basic UI argument is so ridiculous considering they’re on Reddit.

    • Your post bringing awareness to Lemmy was awesome. The abuse is ridiculous, accusing you of trying to grab power for yourself. People will always be resistant to change. I honestly hate being bombarded by ads. The official app is like an ad every two posts.